Blue Pill Lies, Red Pill Truths

1) Preamble:

A blue pill lie is an idea that is false, but that is popular in the society you are currently living in. A red pill truth is an idea that is true, but that is unpopular in the society you are currently living in.

If you publicly express red pill truths, it will cause people to dislike and ostracize you.

In totalitarian societies, expressing red pill truths can lead to you being imprisoned or executed.

On the inside you should be aware of red pill truths (so that you have an accurate view of reality), but outwardly you should pay lip service to blue pill lies.

In 17th Century Italy, the main blue pill lie was that there was a god living in the sky with a son named Jesus. Telling the red pill truth, that this god was entirely fabricated out of nothing, could result in one being prosecuted for heresy, imprisoned, and possibly executed.

In 1950s Russia, the main blue pill lie was that Communism was a great economic system, and that Free Market Capitalism would never work well. Telling the red pill truth, that Free Market Capitalism works better than Communism, could result in being thrown into a Gulag.

The purpose of this piece is to outline the blue pill lies that are dominant in modern America (1990 – 2020), and the corresponding red pill truths.

1A) Warning:

The truth is a dangerous thing.

Most will instinctively reject it because it is too painful. Of the minority who accept it, many will be driven to insanity.

Destroying delusions represents a form of progress that is often irreversible.

Once you see the truth, you can never unsee it, even if you wanted to.

Discovering the truth is unlikely to make you happy. Reality is a nightmare compared to the delusions most people have in their heads.

2) Religion:

“The only difference between a cult and a religion is the amount of real estate they own” -Frank Zappa

Blue Pill Lie:
“There is a god (or gods) living in the sky, who rules over us.”

Red Pill Truth:
“Every god the human species has ever conceptualized is as fabricated as Santa
Clause and the Tooth Fairy.”

Blue Pill Lie:
“There is nothing wrong with being religious, and believing in a god or gods.”

Red Pill Truth:
“Religious people believe things that are insane, and would be recognized as insane if not veneered by the respectability of religion.

A Christian who believes there is a god in the sky with a son named Jesus, and a Muslim who believes there is a god in the sky with a prophet named Mohammad, are as insane as a man who believes in Santa Clause or the Tooth Fairy.”

Blue Pill Lie:
“All religions are equal. They are all equally wise, or they are all equally foolish. Islam is a religion of peace.”

Red Pill Truth:
“Religions are not equal, and certainly they are not all equally prone to advocating for violence.

Islam is a religion that is violent to the core; indeed it was founded by a very successful warlord named Muhammad.

Jainism is a religion that is peaceful to the core. “

Religion, Further Reading:

The End of Faith

Islam Is Not a Religion of Peace

3) Blank Slate Theory (Cultural Marxism):

Blue Pill Lie:
“All people are created equal, and all people are created the same.

There are no psychological differences between individuals driven by genetics.

All psychological differences between people are the result of environmental factors. Humans are born a blank slate.”

Red Pill Truth:
“People are not created equal, and certainly they are not created the same.

Humans are not born as blank slates.

Virtually every aspect of a person’s psychology, from intelligence (IQ), to personality, to a propensity for any mental illness, is heavily driven by genetics.”

4) Gender:

Blue Pill Lie:
“Men and women are psychologically identical.

Any psychological differences between men and women are trivial, and they are the result of cultural training (gender is a social construct).

Red Pill Truth:
“Men and women are profoundly psychologically different.

The psychological differences are driven by genetics and biology, not just cultural training.

Men evolved to be good at hunting for wild animals, women evolved to be good at taking care of babies and young children.”

Gender Differences, Further Reading:

Why Men Don’t Listen, Women Can’t Read Maps (Pease)
Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber (James Damore) (Illimitable Man)

5) IQ, Class, Race:

“In multiracial societies, they attribute achievement disparities rooted in IQ differences to racism. In monoracial societies, they attribute achievement disparities rooted in IQ differences to classism. IQ differences are the root cause of all social inequality.” -Illimitable Man

Blue Pill Lie:
“IQ means nothing. IQ isn’t a legitimate measurement of intelligence. Everyone is equally smart.

Even if IQ is real, there could not possibly be racial/ethnic disparities in IQ, or a gender difference in IQ.”

Red Pill Truth:
“Intelligence is a thing that exists, some people have more or less of it than others, and IQ tests measure it. Not everyone is equally smart.

IQ matters a great deal since it is the single best predictor of long term life success, including income. High IQ people tend to be good at making money, while low IQ people tend to be bad at making money.

IQ differences between individuals are caused by some balance of both genetics and environmental factors.

There is a gender difference in IQ; male IQ is more variable than female IQ. Most geniuses (IQ 130+) are men, and also most idiots (IQ 70-) are men.

There are racial disparities in average IQ; East Asians have higher IQs than whites, and whites have higher IQs than blacks.

Blue Pill Lie:
“The only explanation for why rich people have more money than poor people is class based exploitation.

The rich have more wealth than the poor, because they stole it from the poor.”

Red Pill Truth:
“Part of the reason rich people are better at making money than poor people is that they have higher IQs; the rich are better at making money because they are smarter.

In every society the correlation between IQ and income is positive, and the relationship is causal; having a high IQ causes a person’s income to be higher.”

Blue Pill Lie:
“The primary reason children born into rich families make more money than children born into poor families is because of their parent’s connections.”

Red Pill Truth:
“Parental wealth is a factor in how much money a child will make during their lifetime. However, IQ is a far more important factor.

A child born at the 50th percentile of family wealth and the 95th percentile of IQ will make more money during their adult life than a child born at the 95th percentile of family wealth and the 50th percentile of IQ.

The primary reason children from rich families are better at making money than children from poor families, is because they on average have higher IQs.”

Blue Pill Lie:
“Racial/Ethnic groups vary in how rich or poor they are. Whites on average make more money than blacks. The only explanation for this is racism; whites oppress blacks, and discriminate against blacks when it comes to hiring for jobs and promotions.”

Red Pill Truth:
“Racial disparities in IQ explain racial disparities in income.

White men have higher incomes than black men, on average. If you adjust for IQ, they don’t.

Notably, East Asian men have higher incomes than white men. Again, if you adjust for IQ they don’t. “

Historical Class Inequality:

Monoracial societies where wealth inequality is blamed on class based exploitation (classism), when IQ differences between individuals are the realculprit:

-France, 18th Century (French Revolution)

-Maoist China

Historical Racial Inequality:

Multiracial societies where wealth inequality is blamed on racially based exploitation (racism), when IQ differences between racial groups are the real culprit:

-America (1990 – 2020)
-South Africa

IQ/Class/Race, Further Reading:
-The Bell Curve (Charles Murray)
-Forbidden Knowledge (Sam Harris, Charles Murray)

6) Gender Discrimination:

Blue Pill Lie:
“The only possible explanation for why men perform better than women on average in certain domains is that women are being discriminated against. Patriarchy!”

Red Pill Truth:
“Men and women evolved to have psychological and behavioral differences.

As a result, in our modern environment there will be certain activities where men perform better on average, and other activities where women perform better on average.”

Blue Pill Lie:
“There are more men who make it to the pinnacle of society than women (most CEOs and billionaires are men).

The only explanation for this is that men are privileged and women are oppressed.”

Red Pill Truth:
“Male IQ is more variable than female IQ. There are more male geniuses than female geniuses, and this in large part explains why most people who make it to the pinnacle of society are men.

Men also take more risks than women; this leads to there being more spectacular successes among men than among women.

On the negative side, most idiots (extremely low IQ) are men and consequently most high school dropouts are men.

Because men are more risk aggressive than women, there are more catastrophic failures among men than among women.

Having a son is a high risk high reward option, having a daughter is a low risk low reward option.”

Blue Pill Lie:
“The Wage Gap. Women are paid 77% as much money as men are. Women are oppressed!”

Red Pill Truth:
“It is factually correct to say that in America, female income is 77% of what male income is.

If you adjust for the fact that men and women work in different professions, and also the fact that within every profession men work longer hours and are therefore more likely to be promoted up the hierarchy, the wage gap virtually disappears.”

7) Racial Discrimination:

Blue Pill Lie:
“The only explanation for why whites have greater career success and higher incomes than blacks is that blacks are being discriminated against.

Racism is the only possible explanation.”

Red Pill Truth:
“It is correct to say that on average whites have greater career success and higher incomes than blacks. If you adjust for IQ, they don’t.

Notably, East Asians on average have greater career success than whites.

Again, if you adjust for IQ they don’t.

Racial IQ disparities explain achievement gaps and income inequality between racial groups.”

Blue Pill Lie:
“The purpose of Affirmative Action is to foster diversity.”

Red Pill Truth:
“Affirmative Action is a euphemism for rejecting more qualified men in favor of less qualified women, and more qualified East Asians and whites in favor of less qualified Latinos and blacks.

Affirmative Action is discrimination on the basis of race and gender that the Leftwing approves of.”

8) Science and Political Correctness:

That which is scientifically correct, and that which is politically correct, are often not the same.

8A) Leftwing Science Denialism:

Leftwing Americans will deny the scientific facts surrounding gender differences and the degree to which psychological differences between men and women are driven by biology and genetics.

Leftwing Americans will deny the scientific facts surrounding IQ; some individuals are smarter than others, there are racial disparities in intelligence, male intelligence is more variable than female intelligence, and intelligence is heavily driven by genetics, not just the environment.

8B) Rightwing Science Denialism:

Rightwing Americans will deny the scientific facts linking wealth inequality to violence (the gini coefficient drives the homicide rate), because they don’t want to believe that there is any degree of inequality that qualifies as being a problem.
Rightwing Americans will deny the scientific facts surrounding climate change, because those facts offend their desire to believe that burning fossil fuels is not a problem.

9) Finding Red Pill Truths:

There is a simple strategy for finding red pill truths. What are the ideas you would be punished for expressing? Very often, forbidden ideas are true.

Not always; ideas can be forbidden and also false. However, far more often than most people would care to admit, the truth is forbidden.

What ideas are popular in the society you live in? Those are the blue pill lies.

Never in the history of the world has there been a society where the truth was popular.

In 1950 America, it was forbidden to say that “God and Jesus are entirely fabricated, just as Santa Clause and the Tooth Fairy were.” This turned out to be true.

In 1950 Russia and 1970 China, it was forbidden to say “Capitalism is a viable economic system, and Communism is not. Capitalism leads to 3 meals a day, Communism leads to mass starvation.” This turned out to be true.

In 1990 – 2020 America, it is forbidden to say “There are psychological differences between men and women driven by genetics/biology, not just cultural training”, and this is true.

If an idea is popular, it is certainly false.

If an idea is unpopular, then perhaps it is true and perhaps it is false; further investigation is needed.

10) Relevant Reading:

The End of Faith
-Islam Is Not a Religion of Peace

Gender Differences:
-Why Men Don’t Listen, Women Can’t Read Maps (Pease)
-Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber (James Damore)
- (Illimitable Man)

IQ, Class, Race:
The Bell Curve (Charles Murray)
-Forbidden Knowledge (Sam Harris, Charles Murray)